When a failure occurs before the panel red light is off, indicating that the A board standby power interruption. Shortly into the boot process brighter red flashing green, indicating that because A board 5V standby automatically restored after interruption, the A board CPU into the normal boot process. Therefore, the key to failure is to interrupt A standby power supply board. P7 --- A7 cable 1 foot from the P board to provide for the A board 5V standby supply voltage, the power switch A plate inside, but also through A7-P7 cable 12, 14, within the control of micro-P board P processor board power circuit on and off.yX6service manual download site
In the boot state, try hand gently struck A7 cable A board root, the fault occurs immediately, replace the A7 --- P7 cable is invalid. The A plate removed, fill the socket on the A7 explosion, is invalid. A7 socket replacement, troubleshooting.yX6service manual download site