uf2: followed by the "menu" "menu" "menu" "tel" "tel" "tel" "tel" to enter maintenance mode. uf108m: followed by "#" "tel / dial" "tel / dial" "tel / dial" "tel / dial" "*" to enter maintenance mode. FVmservice manual download site
uf200/208m: followed by "functional" "Call / Dial" "Call / Dial" "Call / Dial" "Call / Dial" "*" to enter maintenance mode, where the first "06" entry for the all clear.
uf8100/8110/8200/8220: followed by "functional" "4" "" "*" "#" "#" to enter maintenance mode, where the first "06" entry for the all clear.
uf8300/8310/8330/8350/8700/8710/8770/8880/8585/8595/8885/8895: followed by "functional" "7" "monitor" "monitor" "monitor" "monitor" "*" to enter maintenance approach, where the first "06" entry for all clear. Note: The 06 all-clear in a number of options, (image data, communication parameters, etc.) which the general "*" or "99" for the initialization of all parameters.